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Debating Club

Our club already started in 2016 and is now well established. Besides regular discussions in the club about any kind of topical issues in society, economy and politics, we also take part in the ‘DSG Senior League’ (class 10-12). We already have a very nice group, but you are more than welcome to join us anytime soon. Just grab a friend and come around!

Why should one join the Debating Club?

Debating is an exciting method to develop many important skills at the same time:

  • You find out about political, social and economic topics.
  •  You learn to speak in front of an audience.
  • You practice how to argue with others.
  • You work together with your team partners.
  • You rapidly improve your English skills.

At the Debating Club

  • We play exercises and games to practice free speech.
  • We visit other schools together to compete against their debating teams.
  • We have great discussions about serious topics – and sometimes about silly ones, too.